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Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats - Hun Sen - Commercial Diplomatic Service Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomat
Norodom Vacheahra - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Commercial Diplomats Accreditation Council - Princess Norodom Vacheahra - Distinguished Fellow - Professional Awarding Body for Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration - Professional Awarding Body
Dr Eve Sariyiannidou, Professional Body for Commercial Diplomats, Laura Nielsen, Natasha M. George
International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Professional Awarding Body - Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Education - Pioneering Statutory Rights - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Certificado de la Asociación Comercial Los diplomáticos - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomat
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Safeguarding High Standards of Excellence
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Safeguarding High Standards of Excellence
Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Qualified Policy Advocates - Qualified Certified Diplomats and Chartered
International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration - Commercial Diplomatic Practice
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Advocating Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Service - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Awarding Body for Commercial Diplomats - International Trading System - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Professional Practise - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats - Association des diplomates accrédités commerciale - Order of the Companion of Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Certified Diplomat - Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Education - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomatic Practice - International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Commercial Diplomatic Law - International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Awarding body for commercial diplomats - Managing International Commercial Disputes - International Commercial Arbitration - Managing International Trade Disputes - Commercial Diplomatic Law
Policy Advocacy - Influencing foreign policy and regulatory decisions
Commercial Diplomatic Practice - Commercial Arbitration - Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Qualified Policy Advocate - Commercial Diplomatic Practise
Qualified Certified Diplomat - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Chartered Diplomat - Professional Standard for Commercial Diplomats - Professional Awarding Body - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomatic Service - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomatic Practise - International Trade Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority (CoDRA)
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Extraterritorial Body - Justice and Judicial - Accredited Institutional Member - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy
Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration - Commercial diplomacy - Anti-Corruption Policy
Princess Norodom Vacheahra - Commercial Diplomatic Council - Commercial Diplomats Accreditation Council - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Education - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration

" ambassador's job is government to government primarily, but it's also to be a commercial diplomat"

Amb. Anthony Harrington


'In many significant offshore financial centres, specialist commercial judges exist where formal specialist courts do not'

The Hon. Justice L. Kawaley

Commercial Judge

Supreme Court,



 Depth of Research 

QCD Projects - Guidelines for Preparation

Important points to bear in mind when writing projects


Sources, Acknowledgement and References

You should work from many sources; books research work, newspapers and magazines, reports and statistics. You may use some for background material as well as direct sources. All Sources must be acknowledged. List carefully your sources in the specified format in the bibliography at the end of your project and ensure that all references are numbered. The format of your references should be as follows:


(1) Author, Title, Publisher, Date, Page Number., (in that order).

These should be consistent with cross-references inserted in the body of your work; and shown within the script, as follows:

[Author, Date, Page number]^1 (embedded within the line of text)

Where the same source is used in several places, after the first use of a reference you may indicate this particular reference as follows:

[Ibid, Page Number]^1 (embedded within the line of text)

Your sections should be numbered within the chapters and should be properly shown in the list of contents [All Headings & Sub-Heading should be numbered accordingly]. Depending on your professional award you should have 30-200 or more listed references.


Presentation, Layout, and Binding

Research projects should be presented as follows:

· Title Page, Contents Page

· Acknowledgements, Synopsis

· Body Text (Content), Conclusion, and

· Bibliography, (in that order) with possible Appendices if required.


In general, the thesis Projects binding and layout should be as follows:

· Binding QCD Project: Royal Blue Hardback

· Page Layout Margins: 30mm to left, 15mm to right, 30mm to top,30mm to bottom (based on A4 page size)

· Text Layout: Double spacing with the text font in "Times New Roman" or similar typeface is recommended (use font size 12 only)


Spine Printing:

The spine should be printed in Gold Leaf indicating the name of student, MONTH & YEAR of graduation and TITLE of degree with respect to the thesis spine being vertical, as shown below:

Top of the Spine: Surname & Initials [eg: MARTINEZ, N.P.]

Middle of the Spine: Month & Year of award [eg: August 2011]

Bottom of Spine: Award Title (Project) [eg: QCD Mandatory Qualifying Project)


Diagrams, Charts and Tables

The addition of diagrams, charts and tables is to be encouraged for the clear interpretation of data. You should draw information and conclusions from them, clearly indicating sources, dates and units. However one does not wish to see complete duplication of figures in charts and narrative sections. Where tables are not immediately inserted within appropriate narrative sections, the source of information quoted should be referenced to avoid ambiguity.


Depth Of Research Work

The depth of coverage should be appropriate to the level of professional award being sought. Care should be taken that the synopsis accurately reflects the project content in terms of its objectives and scope so as not to mislead the casual reader.



It is expected that the work reaches well researched, elucidated conclusion(s). This may well be in a different direction from that originally expected but this is one of the objectives of your research work; to research and consider material from many sources, reaching logical conclusions there from. Your conclusion should always refer to the contents of your Project.


Preparation, Presentation and Submission of Project Theses

The work should be prepared on CD Rom using a word processing package preferably Microsoft Word.

The final project draft should be printed using a good quality printer (preferably a Laser Printer), a good standard is expected.

TWO copies of the final project (council's approved draft) should be submitted (together with the project's CD Rom) for hardback binding and further processing.


QCD Mandatory Project (All Candidates)

· Duration: Flexible

· Length: Up to 120,000-word project of high standard

· Discipline: Commercial Diplomacy


Further information on durations

It should be emphasised that a research project will only be considered if the first draft has been successfully approved by Council.

Further amendments and draft submissions may be required to satisfy Council. These must be completed within the maximum allowed duration unless there are extenuating circumstances.



Legal requirements must be observed and candidates are reminded of the limitations and benefits they can have in this respect. Sources and quotations from other publications must at all times be acknowledged.


All projects are regarded as the intellectual property of Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats and no one including authors shall be permitted to reproduce the research work in full or in part in any format, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats

Founding of ACCD


Pioneering Rights




Candidates for Training


Passion for Knowledge


Recommended Texts

A large part of the foreign secretary's job is commercial diplomacy, a major part of foreign policy and should be done extremely well

 - Vince Cable, UK Business Secretary


Commercial diplomacy is an important component of the FCO's wider prosperity agenda, which brings together all the actions that it takes globally to support the UK economy - Rt Hon. Lord Howell of Guildford

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