QCD Projects - Guidelines for Preparation Important points to bear in mind when writing projects
Guidelines for the Preparation of Work-Based Projects This is a general guide to the basic considerations for your Project work and should be observed to comply with the full requirements and standards of the global professional body.
Choice of Research Topic Your choice should be of a topic where you feel you have plenty of interest, possibly some background and where, from a preliminary survey, you believe that there is ample available material and scope to enable you to present reasonable work and a conclusion from which you and others can benefit. On the other hand you may choose a completely fresh direction as a challenge but this can make the work difficult. Remember that your work should be of publishable quality and may be of use to your future employer and others!
QCD Mandatory Qualifying Project Proposal A suitable topic of research for the production of a 5,000-word research proposal in a significant area of the academic discipline of commercial diplomacy must be submitted for assessment, evaluation and approval within 3 weeks of the date of doctoral project enrolment, before submitting fully completed application.
If it proves impossible for any reason to approve the research topic, the applicant will be permitted to submit an alternative research topic. Broad guidelines as to possible subject areas will be indicated and a further three weeks will be permitted for a fresh research proposal submission. Assessment, evaluation and approval of the new research topic will be completed within a further two weeks.
Information on durations It should be emphasised that a research project will only be considered if the first draft has been successfully approved by Council.
Further amendments and draft submissions may be required to satisfy council. These must be completed within the maximum allowed duration unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Approval for Extended Research Work Research projects may only be extended on the presentation of extenuating grounds such as medical emergencies and family crises. Requests for research extensions should be submitted in writing in the first instance. Sponsored research students should also seek additional approval from their respective sponsors.
Language It is expected that your text should be in clear English even if your sources are not.